Planetary system

Petr Šádek

Screenshot #1 Screenshot #2 Screenshot #3
rockets planets



Goal of this project was to create simple planetary system. It's not intended to be realistic simulation. For example scale of the objects is set to be visually interesting, but doesn't make sense in terms of real world physics. This planetary system doesn't represent our solar system, or any other known system, it's completely fictional. But that creates space for more creativity.

Scene contains the sun, planets and moons. Each of them orbits around it's parent object. There is also an UFO with camera, which moves on spline curve. Planet positions can be changed with mouse. You are able to change speed of time. With movable camera you can shine on objects. Or you can shoot rockets, whose trajectory is curved by gravitational field.

Most of the used textures were created with perlin noise, specifically textures of the sun, planets, moons and skybox. Texture of the sun is changing over time making impression of rapid movement of gass on the surface. Two gass giants located in the system have surface made of two textures, one making lines of differents types of gass mixture, second adding more inconsistency with random clouds.


F2 or O - shutdown application
N - stop time
M - normal time speed
DOWN/UP arrows - slowdown/speedup time
R - reload configuration: config.txt, contains planet positions
F - turn on/off fog
1, 2, 3, 4 - switching cameras
1 - static camera looking from side
2 - static camera looking up
In the view of static camera, you can move planet by clicking on it and draging.
3 - moving camera placed on flying UFO
4 - movable camera
When using movable camera:
W A S D - move camera to sides
Q E - move camera up/down
SPACE - double movement speed
left mouse button - shoot rocket
press scroll wheel - turn on directional light in direction of user view
right mouse button - turn on spot light in direction of user view (it has short range, you must be near some object to see it)